Massa DunDun is an exclusive FCC technology. The product originated in the early 80’s and was developed jointly with industry institutions. Massa DunDun provides unparalleled mechanical performance and durability on the market, using nanoparticles organized into structures that ensure optimal distribution of their polymeric compounds. It is a polymer mortar specially developed for the laying of bricks or blocks in the construction of walls.


Início de pesquisa e desenvolvimento


Produção em larga escala


Prêmio CBIC de Inovação Iniciativa da Câmara Brasileira da Indústria da Construção, o prêmio CBIC de inovação e sustentabilidade tem o objetivo de reconhecer e divulgar soluções novas para a modernização da indústria da construção brasileira.


Comprovação de durabilidade (ensaio de câmara climática). Lançamento da embalagem de 3kg. Início da parceria com a SINUSCON. O apoio do Sindicato das Indústrias da Construção foi essencial para instensificar o relacionamento com os nossos públicos de interesse.


Certificação ABNT NBR 15.575 Massa DunDun é o único composto polimérico para assentamento de alvenaria que atende a todos os requisitos da norma de desempenho.


100 prédio com 20 ou mais pavimentos construídos com o produto. Exportações para mais de 5 países. Início da parceria com o SENAI. A parceria com o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial é muito importante para o aprimoramento técnico, através da disseminação do conhecimento.


Reconhecimento SEBRAE como case de sucesso na promoção e divulgação de uma nova categoria de produtos, atrevés do design. Duplicação da capacidade produtiva. Tecnologia de identificação Massa DunDun. Isso permite a certificação de autenticidade, de que o projeto foi feito com qualidade DunDun. Esta avaliação poderá ser feita durante toda a vida útil do produto.


Qualificação na ABNT 16590:2017 Massa DunDun: Referência em padrões de qualidade.


In sealing masonry works, without structural or refractory function. The product is recommended for bricks, concrete blocks or ceramic blocks works, of good quality and uniform and regular dimensions that meet the standards and quality sectoral programs (ANICER or ABCP).






Because with Massa DunDun the saving per square meter is up to 35%. There are fewer stages of the production process, more square meters produced per day, less mortar used.


300% more productive 
Practical studies show that, while in the conventional mortar system, a mason and two helpers are required to settle 800 bricks in one day, with Massa DunDun, a mason and a helper can erect 2,500 bricks at the same time.


The waste of mortar at the construction site can reach up to 50%. The main causes are the preparation, the trace variation (excessive amount of cement and lime) and the handling of the product. And that number may be even higher, according to the research Alternatives for Reducing the Materials Waste at the Construction Site*. The reduction of up to 95% of the amount of mortar required for the execution of the masonry, together with the elimination of steps in the construction process, means that Massa DunDun’s waste is at most 1%.


It is the only polymeric compound for laying that meets the standard ABNT NBR 15.575. In addition to, traction in bending, module of elasticity, accelerated aging, chemical attacks and wetting and drying.




  • What are the advantages of the product compared to conventional mortar?

    What are the advantages of the product compared to conventional mortar?

    The main advantages are economy, speed and safety.

    Massa DunDun presents:

    – Excellent structural strength.

    – Settling speed up to 3 times faster.

    – Lower cost per wall m².

    – Masonry anchorage in pillars without use of screen and clamps, in most cases.

    – It does not generate waste.

    – It does not create dirt.

    – It’s greener.

    – It results in less structural weight.

  • And what are the disadvantages of the product?

    The main disadvantage of Massa DunDun is that it cannot be used in all types of work or with any type of block.

    Because it leaves a thinner joint, Massa DunDun cannot accommodate very large differences between blocks, which can occur when using low quality blocks outside Brazilian standardization. This can result in greater leveling difficulty during construction and lower productivity.

    In addition, Massa DunDun is not recommended for structural masonry works (where there is no concrete structure and the wall is the only existing structure). This occurs for two reasons. Firstly, Massa DunDun has not yet been properly tested and certified for this type of construction system. Secondly, because the current normalization for structural masonry was made for cement mortar and requires 1cm thickness at each joint.

  • What is the drying time?

    The initial drying of the product generally takes place between 6 and 12 hours and the final resistance is reached after 72 hours in hot and dry climates. However, the drying time may be different depending on the types of blocks used and the weather conditions. In cases of intense humidity, the cure of the product will only start after the sealed blocks dry completely.

  • How can I be sure of the durability of the product?

    Some of the raw materials used in the product are indicated as additives to increase durability in concrete structures in Europe and North America. Massa DunDun periodically undergoes rigorous accelerated aging tests in special chambers in which test specimens are subjected to chemical attacks and abrupt changes in temperature, humidity and pressure for several months.

  • How does the product accommodate tensions with only two application lines?

    Because it is a polymer product and, therefore, more flexible than conventional mortar, Massa DunDun’s ability to accommodate tensions is greater even with only two lines. This fact is evidenced in the tests of compression resistance with different types of blocks, in which prisms of Massa DunDun reached resistance similar or superior to the resistance of prisms of conventional mortar. A lot of research and investments have been made to develop a product that results in masonry with module of elasticity similar to the module of elasticity of a masonry built using the traditional method. Thus, the two masonry behave similarly in the accommodation and dissipation of stresses and are similarly compatible with the other components of a construction. Massa DunDun’s technical team has several test reports that prove this compatibility of modules of elasticity.

  • How can a joint so thin accommodate deformations and dilations of a structure?

    Vertical deformations that cannot be accommodated by Massa DunDun joints are accommodated by wedging (masonry joining with the slab or upper beam), which must always be done with wedging mortar or expansion mass, according to good civil construction practices. Horizontal deformations will be accommodated by the small space left on the side of the blocks, which after laying will be filled with parget/plaster mortar.

  • What prevents the conventional cement-based mortar from being used in the same way as Massa DunDun (using two lines and a thin joint)?

    What prevents this is the rigidity of conventional mortar. If it were to be used in the same way as Massa DunDun, it would result in masonry too rigid and unable to accommodate tensions and deformations. Unlike conventional mortar, the unique technology of Massa DunDun has been developed with greater tensile strength (less module of elasticity), which allows it to be used in smaller quantities resulting in a wall with a certain capacity to accommodate the different tensions to which it will be submitted during its lifetime.

  • Does not “leading” the blocks (leaving the vertical joint ‘dry’) worsen the performance of the masonry?

    Several tests were performed with dry vertical joints for sealing masonry and all the results demonstrate that Massa DunDun has a good mechanical performance, even surpasses the performance of masonry of conventional mortar with filled vertical joints, in several aspects. Some of the areas affected by the use of dry vertical joints are:

    Tightness: The vertical dry joints masonry built with Massa DunDun has a tightness performance (resistance to moisture infiltration) superior to that of a conventional masonry with filled joints. The main reason is that the vertical joints communicate the internal and external plasters, creating a path that allows the passage of external moisture to the inner side. This can result in a condition called capillary progression. The absence of vertical joints in the construction method of Massa DunDun leaves a small gap between the outer and the inner plaster, which acts as an insulator and prevents the capillary propagation of the external moisture into the interior.

    Resistance to stresses transverse to masonry: Due to its superior adhesion in relation to the conventional mortar adhesion, Massa DunDun results in a masonry that is more resistant to transverse stress than is the case with the use of conventional mortar and filled vertical joints. Massa DunDun walls with dry joints were tested according to NBR 15.575, among others, for aspects related to this type of resistance and exceed both the normative requirements and walls constructed with conventional mortar.

    Structural deformation and dilatation accommodation: With the use of conventional mortar in the vertical joints, deformations and horizontal stresses in the same plane of the masonry are accommodated by microcracks in the mortar. In the case of Massa DunDun with the dry vertical joints, a small space (between 1 and 3 mm) is allowed between the blocks. This space is subsequently filled by the masonry plasters and is sufficient to accommodate these tensions and horizontal deformations without impact on the integrity of the masonry.

    Soundproofing: The passage of sounds by any element depends on its mass. In this way, any constructive method that reduces the weight of masonry will consequently result in a lower acoustic insulation. Although the impact on soundproofing is practically irrelevant, this is a small disadvantage of the use of dry joints with Massa DunDun. The small reduction in acoustic insulation is practically irrelevant since elements like doors, windows and other openings are the main responsible for the passage of sounds in the current constructions.

  • Why is the product greener than the conventional method?

    Massa DunDun is greener than conventional mortar for two main reasons:

    Massa DunDun does not contain cement: According to the Brazilian Association of Portland Cements, the manufacture of 1 kg of cement emits more than 600 grams of CO2 in the atmosphere. These emissions are due to the process of decarbonation of the raw materials and due to the energy consumption necessary to reach temperatures of 1450ºC for the manufacturing process. According to the National Union of Cement Industry, the cement industry around the world accounts for approximately 5% of the total CO2 emitted by humans.

    Massa DunDun does not contain grit: By eliminating the need for the use of grit in the conventional mortar mix, Massa DunDun also helps to reduce the removal of this material from river beds, one of the concerns of environmental authorities around the world.

  • What is the FCC quality control system?

    FCC has ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO TS 16949 certifications. In addition, FCC employs its own systems and controls to ensure quality and uniformity in receiving raw materials and their production, with all produced batches undergoing stringent testing for compliance with product specifications. FCC also has three accelerated aging chambers where the quality and durability of Massa DunDun is constantly monitored.